Why was my payment not successful?Updated a year ago
Due to privacy restrictions, we will not be able to tell you why our payment service provider or your credit company has refused to process your payment. We simply don't have access to those details about you and your credit card status.
However, we would like to help should this be the case, the most common reasons for a credit card payment being refused are:
- The maximum credit on the card is exceeded (you need to pay down the outstanding balance)
- The name on your credit card is different from the name you have entered (carefully check for typos)
- The credit card is registered at a different address than the billing address you used on the order (this is to prevent fraudulent use of your card)
- The card is temporarily blocked after multiple failed payment attempts (you may need to contact your bank to have the card unblocked)
- The 3D Secure check (e.g. 'Verified by Visa', 'MasterCard SecureCode') was not successful (contact your bank to enable this or to get instructions)